Inter Faith Stall at Lambeth Country Show (before)

Lambeth Country Show will take place in Brockwell Park on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th September and will be open from 11am until 6pm on both days. There will be an Inter Faith Stall organised by Faiths Together in Lambeth in collaboration with South London Inter Faith Group and Jamyang Buddhist Centre and with support from London Boroughs Faith Network, South London Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews, the Christian  Muslim Forum, Local Initiative for Faith and the Environment and Lambeth Multi-Faith Action Group.You will find the Inter Faith Stall at stand number ZW34 in the Charities West Area, not far from the Main Entrance to Brockwell Park at Herne Hill. The main purpose of the stall is to inform the public about inter faith activities in the Borough of Lambeth and to encourage participation in these activities. Do come and visit us. And please would you let FTiL know if you could sign up to be present for, say, a 2 hour slot of your choice? That would be very helpful.

The Inter Faith Stall at Lambeth Country Show (after)

The Inter Faith Stall at Lambeth Country Show (after)


Lambeth Lambeth Country Show in Brockwell Park usually takes place over a weekend in July but this year (its 38th) the Olympics and Paralympics pushed it into mid-September. Faiths Together in Lambeth proposed an inter faith stall (a first) and South London Inter Faith Group responded enthusiastically. In the end 7 organisations collaborated to put the stall together and 19 people from 5 faiths combined to staff the stall throughout the Saturday and Sunday. Large numbers of people attended the Show. Of course, relatively few of them came to visit the inter faith stall but still, it felt like something well worth doing. The dates for next year have been announced (it’s back in July – the 20th and 21st) and already there are some ideas for an inter faith stall mark 2.

Youth Inter Faith Board Games

Anton Bartick organisedYouth Inter Faith Board Games in the Upper Hall at the Karibu Education Centre in Brixton on Sunday 25th November, starting at 4pm. This was  supported by the Inter Faith Youth Trust as an event in national inter faith week and was focused on the 16-25 age range.

The centrepiece of the event was an Inter Faith Board Game that tests knowledge of basic facts about the main faiths. Supporting games were used as ice-breakers.

Interfaith Harmony Breakfast

Faiths Together in Lambeth held an interfaith harmony breakfast at Streatham Friends Meeting House on Thursday 14th February 2013.

FTiL members and friends were invited to come and share breakfast with friends of all faiths and none anytime between 8am and 10am, and 24 people attended.

The breakfast was held in association with the UN's annual World Interfaith Harmony Week.



Faith and Sustainability Network



Tuesday 26th February

5.30 for 6pm until 8.30pm

including food.

Following the Faith and Climate Change event last year, this second event
from the Faith and Sustainability Network was hosted by
London Shambhala Meditation Centre at
27 Belmont Close, London SW4 6AY (just off Clapham High Street).

Save energy, save money, keep well and warm!

Learn about growing food locally!

Live a waste-free life!

Faiths in Five Minutes

Faiths Together in Lambeth along with Tulse Hill Forum supported an initiative by one of our Member Organisations, FAST (Families Against Stress and Trauma), whose Director is our FTiL Secretary, Saleha Jaffer. 

We were invited to St Martin's Community Centre, Abbots Park Road, Tulse Hill, SW2 3PW at 11.30am on Thursday 14th March. We heard from 5 speakers (Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Muslim) for 5 minutes each, sharing with us their choice of the most important things to say about their faith in just 5 minutes. Then there was time for discussion.

Then a free lunch was provided and we finished by 1.30pm.

AGM 2013

The Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 11 June 2013, 6.00p.m. – 8.00pm, at the Karibu Education Centre, 7 Gresham Road, SW9 7PH.  Annual reports on activities and finances 2012/13 were presented. The Management Committee 2013/14 was elected.   The business meeting was followed by a talk and discussion on Foodbanks by Revd Ben Goodyear of the Norwood and Brixton Foodbank. The following questions were addressed. How does the Foodbank work and how could FTiL members help? Do people of different faith backgrounds get referred to the Foodbank for assistance? Why do FTiL member organisations seem hesitant about becoming referring agencies? 

Youth Faith and Hope Prize

Youth Faith and Hope Prize

Anton Bartick was presented with a Youth Faith and Hope Prize for Lambeth Youth Faith Forum on 24 June 2013. This is an award by Faiths Forum for London (FFL) and the ceremony took place at Methodist Central Hall in Westminster.

In the picture left to right are Leonie Lewis (co-chair of FFL), the prize recipient from the My Voice Project of the Al Khoei Foundation in Brent, Stephen Timms MP (who made the presentation), Anton Bartick, and Guy Wilkinson (co-chair of FFL).


Lambeth Country Show 2013

Faiths Together in Lambeth worked with South London Inter Faith Group, LAMAG, CCJ South London, London Boroughs Faith Network, Jamyang Buddhist Centre, Caribbean Hindu Cultural Society, South London Liberal Synagogue and others to run the inter faith stall at Lambeth Country Show in Brockwell Park on 20th and 21st July 2013.

New features this year were the Inter Faith Quiz competition and the invitation to Write a Prayer.

Congratulations to Alex Davey whose 50 out of a possible 60 was Saturday's highest score in the Inter Faith Quiz, and to the Wickstead family who achieved Sunday's highest score with 55 out of 60.

Faith in the Community

Faith in the Community is an event that will take place in the Assembly Hall at Lambeth Town Hall from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday 21st November 2013 during national Inter Faith Week.

The title is taken from a report by the all-party Parliamentary Group, Christians in Parliament, which is sub-titled 'Strengthening ties between faith groups and local authorities'.

The aim on 21st November is a bit broader in that we want to strengthen ties not only with Lambeth Council but also with Lambeth Police, with the NHS in Lambeth and, in principle, with all aspects of the wider community.

So we shall aim to celebrate contributions being made by faith groups to the wider community and to discover areas where such contributions could be enhanced.

Do join us.