Only a week and a bit now before our Hustings for invited candidates (from the four parties that had the biggest numbers of votes in 2008) who are standing for Lambeth and Southwark constituency in this year's elections to the London Assembly. On Tuesday 17th April we shall be at the Karibu Education Centre in Gresham Road - refreshments from 5.30pm for a prompt start at 6pm.
FTiL is very grateful to committee member Julie Tedeschi for signing up the four candidates.
Jonathan Bartley Green
Rob Blackie Liberal Democrat
Michael Mitchell Conservative
Val Shawcross Labour
The Hustings are an opportunity for any of you members of the voting public to come and hear a little of what these candidates have to say and ask them whatever questions you wish. You are invited to send questions in advance to FTiL but there will also be opportunities on the night. Questions could include issues about the Mayoral candidates from these same four parties.
Don't forget - the elections take place on Thursday 3rd May.