Hate crime is any incident based upon prejudice or hatred towards an individual because of their actual or perceived race, disability, sexual orientation or faith. You can report hate crime online by completing Lambeth council’s e-reporting form http://e-forms.lambeth.gov.uk/Lambeth.EForms.HateCrime or by contacting the Lambeth Hate Crime Coordinatior on 0207 926 2796 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yvonne Okiyo is Lambeth Council's Co-ordinator of activity to combat hate crime, of which faith hate crime is one category. Yvonne visited the FTiL Managgement Committee on 6th December to enlist our help in raising awareness of this issue. It is believed that hate crimes are under-reported because people are nervous of the consequences of reporting. Third party reporting arrangements are an attempt to make reporting more accesible, and even to report where and when something happened, without giving any personal details, might provide useful intelligence.
There is a message from Yvonne about hate crime volunteers in the Advice and Information section of this website. Yvonne's contact details are there too, and I know she would be happy to help if she can with any enquiries you might want to make.