Lambeth Country Show will take place in Brockwell Park on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th September and will be open from 11am until 6pm on both days. There will be an Inter Faith Stall organised by Faiths Together in Lambeth in collaboration with South London Inter Faith Group and Jamyang Buddhist Centre and with support from London Boroughs Faith Network, South London Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews, the Christian Muslim Forum, Local Initiative for Faith and the Environment and Lambeth Multi-Faith Action Group.You will find the Inter Faith Stall at stand number ZW34 in the Charities West Area, not far from the Main Entrance to Brockwell Park at Herne Hill. The main purpose of the stall is to inform the public about inter faith activities in the Borough of Lambeth and to encourage participation in these activities. Do come and visit us. And please would you let FTiL know if you could sign up to be present for, say, a 2 hour slot of your choice? That would be very helpful.